Health Education Council

About Us


Mente Sana, Vida Sana: A community-defined evidence program by the Health Education Council


  • The mission of the Health Education Council is to cultivate health and well-being in underserved communities by leveraging the power of collaboration.
  • The mission of Mente Sana, Vida Sana embedded within the Ventanilla de Salud is to improve access to primary and preventive health services, increase public insurance coverage and promote a culture of prevention through information, education, counseling and referrals to quality health care in a safe and friendly environment.

Approach to programming

  • Well-being education presentations in the Consulate waiting area and other trusted community locations
  • Weekly Facebook live Mental health “Platicas” addressing various topics providing education, MSVS and VDS services awareness, stigma and referrals to our program
  • Increase in mental health educational materials and its correlation to other chronic diseases, such as depression/diabetes and/or heart disease
  • Psychoeducation workshops led by both male and female MSVS counselors, monthly and hosted through zoom during COVID19.

News & Updates


The Health Education Council launched a CalMHSA funded, PEI project: Peers Helping Peers which targets young adults ages 17-24 and Spanish speaking adults who live in Sacramento County. In partnership with the Sacramento Employment and Training Agency (SETA), the 7- week community health training project aims to enhance the skills of participants in mental health topics and to support them in exploring careers in the mental health field.

coming soon

At the beginning of the pandemic, HEC launched a text service line to address COVID-19 testing needs and resources question our community had. We now plan to expand this texting service to include MSVS services inquiries and navigation of mental health resources and education. MSVS program offers free, remote, Spanish-led mental health depression screenings and private intervention education sessions with trained mental health professionals.

Who We Are

team & staff

Staff hold a core belief that good health and well-being happens when people are surrounded by thriving communities, families, schools, businesses, and parks.
  • Debra Oto-Kent – Founder/Executive Director
  • Amanda Bloom – Director of Programs and Impact
  • Lupita Rodriguez – Program Administrator
  • Oscar Velasco – Program Coordinator
  • Natalia Mavarkis – Program Assistant




Download our organization overview to learn more about us.

Contact Us

Principal contact person

Lupita Rodriguez

general contact information

Phone: 916-556-3344

Social Media links

Facebook Instagram   Twitter    YouTube    LinkedIn


Health Education Council—Sacramento County