Latino Service Providers

About Us

Our mission

Our mission is to serve as a bridge across generations in the Latinx community. We do this by advancing the development of young leaders, building awareness about health and wellness, culture, social issues, and advocating for equity.

Our Team

Stephanie Manieri, Executive Director

Magalli Larqué, Director of Programs

Cristian Gutierrez, Program Manager

Sarahi Hernandez, Program Coordinator

Current News

  • Replicating the Youth Promotor model to address inequities in emergency preparedness, environmental education, and civic engagement in the Latinx community of Sonoma County. The program has grown from 12 students in Cohort 1 to 46 students in the current cohort (Cohort 7). In total, Latino Service Providers has been able to serve 253 students since 2017.
  • Strengthening the second and third tiers of the program to expand the Youth Promotor model. The second tier focuses on evaluation support while the third tier promotes workforce development.
  • For more information on the Youth Promotor Internship Program, please see: Latino Service Providers Youth Promotor Internship Program Informational 

Contact Us

primary contact persons

Magalli Larqué, Director of ProgramsCristian Gutierrez, Program Manager

General contact information

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Latino Service Providers Youth Promotores​

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Latino Service Providers—Sonoma County