About Us
ONTRACK Program Resources
Strengthen programs for underserved communities by collaborating with diverse groups, leveraging knowledge, and advocating for policy change to improve social justice outcomes.
approach to programming
Since 1997, ONTRACK has been a leading social justice organization dedicated to eliminating disparities through caring, compassionate, community-centered approaches to health and wellness.
Who We Are
CRDP African American TA Provider (AA TAP) contract team:
Madalynn C. Rucker, Executive Director & Founder | CRDP AA TAP project director
Lilyane Glamben, Project Manager | CRDP AA TAP project manager
Michele Darling, PhD, CEO & Research Director, LPC Consulting Associates | CRDP AA TAP evaluation subcontractor

Current News
ONTRACK is excited to announce that after 23 years as a nonprofit consulting agency dedicated to culturally responsive behavioral health for diverse underserved populations, we are launching a community defined evidence project, Soul Space, with funding from the Mental Health Services Act, Prop. 63, through Sacramento County Behavioral Health Services. Soul Space is a new community health home for culturally responsive social supports and resources to advance health and wellness for Black people in Sacramento. (For more information: www.getontrack.org/Soul-Space).
Contact Us
principal contact persons
Madalynn C. Rucker
general contact information
(916) 285-1805 | www.getontrack.org/crdp
Social media
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